
This is the first book in a series of three heart books the author has planned.

Written from the heart about the heart, in an easy and straight forward style, this important book illustrates how heart surgery can change lives. John Ehm’s account is a warm recognition of the importance of family and friends, particularly the carers, in the journey of a heart patient.

This book takes the reader on a journey, John’s  journey which began with the shock of hearing the not-so-welcome news, that all was not well in the heart department. This led him to the doctors for tests, the hospital, the operating table, the intensive care unit, the heart ward followed by months of rehabilitation.

Please contact John if you wish to purchase a copy of his book.

This book is dedicated to the Heart Unit at the Mater Misericordiae Hospital, Townsville, Queensland. Financial profits from the sale of this book will be donated to patient care in the Unit.

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