More to come

The next book Affairs of the Heart, will embrace short stories from patients who have travelled the same or similar heart journey as this author and include the following areas:

  • Your heart affair in the medical world
  • How you coped with the news of your heart problem and your later rehabilitation
  • How your loved ones cared for you along the way
  • You have a yen to help others along their journey

By way of this reader response request, I invite folk to share their stories. Stories should be no more than 2000 words.

The third book Lovers of the Heart wlll include stories and information from and for health professionals such as doctors, cardiologists, cardiac vascular surgeons, anaesthetists, heart lung machine technicians, physiotherapists, cardiac nurses, dentists etc and will include the following areas:

  • What led you to choose your career path?
  • What motivates you in your job?
  • What rewards have you experienced after using all your talents in the profession of your choice?

Confidentiality will be assured and you should forward your story to:

Matters of the Heart

PO Box 272  Westcourt Queensland 487 0, Australia

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